Whether you're a woman veteran who needs help,
or a woman veteran who wants to help others ...

WOVIN's first newsletter hot off the presses

Read about MHVI's Women Veterans initiative program - activities, wellness, events, photos and more. Connect with your peers, get help with issues and socialize. |  READ IT HERE

WOVIN is looking for you

Founded by women veterans to help their comrades, WOVIN's mission is to educate, advocate, and increase public awareness of the increasing number of at-risk, homeless and under-served women veterans,​ and to help those women seeking information to help themselves and their families.

Why WOVIN is needed

Women veterans are the fastest growing segment of the homeless population. And a quarter of those female vets have children. Their challenges are often overwhelming and complicated. Many have experienced sexual trauma while in the military. Often women veterans, therefore, have a distrust of military channels and male authority, so they avoid turning to the VA or other military support services.

There is another challenge in dealing with women veterans: many do not even regard themselves as veterans, either because they did not serve in active war zones or did not feel integrated in the armed forces. Strange as it may seem, many do not accept that if they served, they are veterans. WOVIN exists, in part, to bridge the trust gap. It is headed by our executive director, a female Army veteran.

For information about how you can support female veterans and WOVIN, call 414-257-4111 .

Watch this PBS special report on female veterans

After serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, many veterans face an uphill battle finding work in civilian life. There’s been an increase in efforts to help ease their transition, female veteran population is often overlooked.

Powerful photo essay "Homeless Veterans Surviving Rape and Indifference"

Photographer Mary Calvert turns her lens to female veterans, many of whom are survivors of what the Department of Defense calls military sexual trauma, with symptoms including depression, substance abuse, paranoia and feelings of isolation. New York Times article and photos